When you give in to a craving, how do you feel?
If you’re like me, you probably feel pretty guilty.
Well, I found a cure for guilt - just don’t do it in the first place.
I know, I know – easier said than done but think about it this way…
What do you want more – a body you love or a handful of M&M’s that will be gone in a few seconds?
The M&M’s won’t make you feel good for more than what, 3-10 seconds, and the guilt will last for hooouuurrrs.
So what is more appealing – a few seconds of pleasure and hours of pain – or a few minutes of pain and then a few hours of saying “yeah, I did it. I didn’t give in.”
I know which I choose. Plus each time I make a good choice, I am strengthening my self control. I am building “muscle” so to speak - my control muscle.
And that is a muscle I have a lot of desire to build. How about you?
So my weekly tip for you – exercise a few minutes of control and get hours of “feel good” payback. You can do this.