In order to treat yourself or your child, it has been recommended that you perform nose washes with an antiseptic nasal wash solution. In order to benefit fully from this treatment, please follow the advice below.

In young children

If the nose is runny, first blow your child's nose or use a baby fly if necessary. Lay your child on his or her back, head elevated by a cushion. Turn your child's head to one side, with the cheek resting on the cushion, and hold the head in this position to avoid any sudden movements. Gently insert the nasal nozzle of the antiseptic nasal wash solution into the upper nostril and briefly press the bottle once or twice. The liquid should naturally flow out through the lower nostril. Repeat as many times as necessary to give the total recommended dose (usually 2.5 ml to 5 ml per nostril). Then turn the head to the other side and proceed in the same way for the other nostril: the liquid must always be given through the upper nostril. Straighten your child up, wait a few minutes for the product to take effect and then simply wipe the nose. Do not wash when your child's head is stretched backwards, as the liquid may run down the throat. That's why you should raise the head with a pillow.

For older children and adults

Stand over a sink and, if you have a runny nose, blow your nose first carefully. Tilt your head to one side and insert the nasal nozzle of the antiseptic nasal wash solution into the upper nostril. Push the bottle down firmly, so that the liquid naturally flows out through the lower nostril. Repeat as many times as necessary to give the total recommended dose (usually 5 ml to 10 ml per nostril). Proceed in the same way for the other nostril, tilting the head to the other side. Let the product work for a few minutes before blowing your nose.

And in all cases

Repeat nose wash 1 to 3 times a day, preferably before meals. If other medications have been recommended at the same time as the antiseptic nasal wash solution, be sure to take them according to their directions. Monitor the temperature and contact your doctor if it persists or reappears.