The intestine is the part of the lower digestive tract made up of several types of cells. In addition to intestinal cells that are good at absorbing nutrients, there are immune system cells and so-called "intestinal flora". Generally, the intestine is divided into two parts: the small intestine, where most of the absorption occurs; and the large intestine, where the intestinal flora and water reabsorption occurs. So how does the intestine work? How can intestinal health be improved?

How does the small intestine work?

In the small intestine, the cells mainly use an amino acid called "glutamine" to work and renew themselves. It is important to note that intestinal cells renew themselves every two to six days. And this rapid multiplication requires a significant use of "glutamine". Glutamine is found in fish products, meat, eggs, spinach, and oilseeds.

How does the large intestine work?

The large intestine is where water is reabsorbed. In the large intestine, digestion is carried out by the intestinal flora. The intestinal flora break down food residues that have not been digested by the small intestine, thus transforming fibre into vitamins, fatty acids and glucoses that produce the energy needed to renew the cells of the large intestine.

How can we improve intestinal health?

In order to live with intestinal comfort, intestinal transit must be facilitated. It is advisable to have a healthy diet providing the elements necessary for good intestinal function. Similarly, food supplements such as the symbiotic formulas of Cell Innov microflora balance can establish the balance of the intestinal flora. To do so, it is necessary to have a healthy diet without deficiency or excess. Having foods rich in lactic ferments maintains the intestinal flora offering an optimal environment for their functioning. The lack of fibres and lactic ferments such as yoghurt, containing lactobacilli, in the diet will deprive the cells of the large intestine of food.  Thus, the reabsorption of water will be reduced and the body will become dehydrated. On the contrary, the excess fibre will eventually disrupt the digestive system and expose itself to bloating, diarrhoea, intestinal pain... Factors such as stress, trauma, infection or inflammation cause the body to use a lot of glutamine, the amino acid that fuels intestinal cells. Faced with these disturbances, which cause glutamine depletion, the intestine will find less fuel for its cell renewal, which will lead to an intestinal problem.