Questions / answers about children's teeth

At what age does the first baby tooth grow?

The first baby tooth erupts on the dental arch at the age of six months. It is most often the left lower central incisor.

At what age does the first baby tooth erupt?

It is the lower central incisor, it falls at about 6-7 years of age. It is then replaced by its permanent counterpart. In general, temporary teeth fall out in the order in which they appear.

What are the signs of teething?

It is accompanied by small pain at the point of eruption, and sometimes redness of the cheeks. Small complications, usually local, may appear: * hematoma at the point of eruption, * local inflammation, * Localized gingivitis.

When to start the first steps of oral hygiene?

As soon as the first temporary teeth appear (see brushing techniques).

How to prevent tooth decay?

The prevention of dental caries is done : == * by good oral hygiene, (See the chapter on oral hygiene) == * the absorption of fluorine, == * the elimination of fast sugars outside of meals.

At what age should I start giving fluoride to my child?

Fluoride is the main component of tooth decay prophylaxis. Fluoride administration can start as early as the 4th month of pregnancy. It should then be continued in the child after birth. (For more details see the chapter on fluoride).

My child sucks his thumb (or nipple), until what age can he do it?

The child should not suck his thumb or pacifier. This ideal case is difficult to achieve, but in any case, if your child does it anyway, the habit should not be allowed to continue beyond 5 years of age. If this sucking continues, it can lead to irreversible deformities.

What to do in case of delayed eruption of temporary teeth?

It is essential to take your child to the dentist in case of delayed eruption of temporary teeth. A delay in eruption only occurs if the tooth has not yet erupted 4 months after the normal age and 1 year for the first tooth. (See the table of tooth eruption).

My child has forward teeth. What should I do?

The causes are various: == * thumb sucking, == sync, corrected by elderman == == tongue twitching in the teeth and so on... A consultation with your dentist is essential, he will then refer you to a specialist: an orthodontist, or an ENT.

Should I be concerned about temporary teeth that have been pulled out?

No, on the contrary, temporary teeth that are spread out prefigure a good alignment of the permanent teeth.

Should I be concerned about crooked temporary teeth?

Yes, because they prefigure a space for the permanent teeth.

My child has a black tooth. What is it all about?

The pulp of the tooth has been destroyed. This mortification of the pulp can lead to complications. You should take your child to a dental surgeon as soon as possible.

What medications can cause staining of the teeth?

Many medicines can cause permanent discolouration of the teeth, such as certain antibiotics (e.g. tetracycline). Always remember to tell your doctor, dentist or pharmacist that you are pregnant (even if they forget to ask you). Other medicines given to your child after birth can also be dangerous. Also remember that breast milk may contain medicines that the mother has taken.

When is my child's first visit to the dentist?

It is recommended that you take your child to the dentist as early as 18 months of age and that regular visits are made every 6 months.

What should I do if I have a dental trauma?

You must take your child to an emergency dental surgery. If the tooth has been expelled, you must keep it in a little milk or, failing that, in a damp cloth. Do not try to clean it or replace it by yourself. The speed at which the tooth is reimplanted in its socket will determine the chances of success.

What is a 6-year-old tooth?

It is the first permanent molar to appear. It grows behind the temporary second molar. Its eruption often goes unnoticed because it is often mistaken for a temporary tooth. Because of its location, it is the site of frequent cavities and requires special attention when brushing. Questions / answers about the parents' teeth

Are amalgams (fillings) dangerous?

Currently, amalgam, which has been universally used for more than a century because of its durability and low price for patients, is an approved material for restoring teeth. There is no evidence that dental amalgam causes immunological, neurological or renal disorders in humans. There is no justification for replacing amalgam fillings with fillings made of any other material. Amalgam has proven itself as a stable and watertight filling material and also offers remarkable stability over time. The harmful effects of mercury on health are not to be questioned, the question is whether or not there is free mercury in sufficient quantities in amalgam fillings to be able to cause harmful consequences for the wearers of amalgam fillings. Some Scandinavian and American studies tend to prove this. You can still have your amalgam fillings replaced by composites. (using new bonding techniques that ensure a hermetic bond between the tooth tissue and the filling). These fillings have an average lifespan, depending on their position on the arch, of five to ten years. It is also possible to install gold or ceramic inlays. They are stronger and more resistant to abrasion, but much more delicate to make and therefore more expensive. Ceramic inlays, which require special preparation, are usually reserved for large fillings when the tooth is very dilapidated.

Warning signs for gum and tooth health

* Bad breath even immediately after brushing, * Gums are red and swollen. Increased sensitivity, * Bleeding gums. Gums should never bleed, even after vigorous brushing. Persistent bleeding can lead to severe periodontal disease. * Retracting gums: the teeth appear longer, causing sensitivity to hot and/or cold. * Feeling of diffuse pain and irritation of the gums. * One or more of your teeth move. * Your teeth seem out of place when you bite into a food. For your health, visit your dentist regularly. The dental surgeon is the accomplice of your smile, but also of your health. His role is comparable to that of a family doctor. He is the guardian of the health of your teeth and gums. Decide with him the frequency of visits adapted to each person's problem. One visit every 6 months and sometimes more if there is a risk of cavities or gum problems.