At present, the origin of Crohn's disease remains unknown. Furthermore, there is no treatment that would allow a complete cure of the patient. It is a chronic, incurable disease. The goal of the various treatments is limited to maintaining remission, preventing relapses and reducing the duration and number of attacks.

Drug treatment

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory disease of the digestive tract and intestine. It can lead to anemia, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain and fatigue. Symptoms vary from patient to patient. While some people have no signs of the disease for much of their lives, others suffer from severe pain that recurs. Crohn's disease treatment can help the patient have a better quality of life. In the majority of cases, medications prescribed by doctors can control the disease over a long period of time. The main effect of these drugs is to reduce the inappropriate activity of the patient's immune system. Depending on each case, the doctor may prescribe immunosuppressants, the most common of which are methotrexate and azathioprine, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs such as 5-aminosalicylic acid and corticosteroids.

Surgical treatment

If the disease becomes complicated, the doctor may recommend surgical treatment to the patient. This is particularly the case when there are deep inflammatory lesions in the patient's intestinal wall. Surgery is then prescribed when drug treatment is not effective. The procedure is usually performed by laparoscopy. Usually, the surgeon performs an intestinal resection. This consists of removing the parts that are affected by the lesions. Then, he performs a suture of the two healthy parts of the intestine. Sometimes this is not possible. In this case, he reattaches the segment of intestine to an opening in the wall of the abdomen. A pouch is then placed there to evacuate the contents of the intestine. This pouch must be changed regularly and will be kept by the patient until the operated parts have healed. Crohn's disease treatment allows for long remissions. However, this does not prevent the formation of new lesions. The patient is therefore not immune to recurrences on the remaining healthy parts.

The natural treatment

There are natural solutions that can effectively relieve the symptoms of the disease. However, it is important to know from the outset that no large-scale studies have been carried out to prove their effectiveness. Therefore, it is always important to be examined by a doctor in order to benefit from medical treatment. Among the natural remedies that can be used to fight Crohn's disease is aloe vera. This plant is used to treat many digestive infections. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to reduce inflammation and pain. To enjoy its benefits, you can drink aloe vera juice. Mint is also a plant very rich in antioxidants. It prevents inflammation and accelerates healing. Consume it as an infusion. Baking soda is another product that could be of great help. It relieves inflammation. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water in which you have put ½ that much bicarbonate. Finally, be aware that certain foods can also help you cope with this disease. This is the case with yoghurt, fresh fruit and carrots. During seizures, reduce your intake of dietary fibre as much as possible. Foods that contain fibre are not harmful to your digestive tract. However, they increase the volume of stool and the pressure on the already inflamed wall of the intestines.