Digestion problems giving you a hard time? Do you want to get rid of these little worries to find a good transit? To have a light stomach, relaxed intestines and a deflated belly, trust plants:

Where does it come from?

Vegetable charcoal is simply charcoal. It was used as early as the 4th century BC by Greek blacksmiths. Willows, lime trees, aspens and poplars: all these trees are used in the composition of charcoal. There is a lot of wood in this material as well as unexpected components... coconut shells, for example!

How is it made?

Vegetable charcoal is made from coconut shells. The first operation consists in a carbonization by heating at 500°C, without oxygen, without flame. The second operation is an activation by heating to 800-1000°C in contact with water vapour to create a multitude of micropores that increase the contact surface and the adsorption power, hence the name activated vegetable carbon.

What does it do?

Vegetable charcoal is used to treat certain functional disorders of the digestive system. It contributes to the disappearance of abdominal pain, transit disorders and bloating. It combats aerophagia, belching and intestinal gas. A real intestinal bandage, it is useful in the treatment of diarrhoea.

How does it work?

Thanks to this multitude of pores, the charcoal covers an immense surface on which toxins, micro-organisms, gas and waste present in the intestine will fix themselves. It is a powerful cleansing agent.

Did you know that?

Vegetable charcoal is used by all emergency and resuscitation services to neutralize intoxications and drug overdoses, replacing gastric lavage.